Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Types of Operating System (OS) :-

There are four types of OS categorized based on the types of computers they control and the sort of applications they support.

  1. Real-time OS (RTOS): -They are used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems. It has a little user interface capability. The very important property of RTOS is managing the resources of the computer so that a particular operation executes in precisely the same amount of time every time it occurs.
  2. Single-User, Single Task:- This OS is designed to manage the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time. Example: Palm OS for Palm handheld computers.
  3. Single-user, Multi-tasking:- It let a single user have several programs in operation at the same time. Windows and Apple’s MacOS are example of such OS.
  4. MultiUser:- It allows multiple users to take advantage of the computer’s resourcessimultaneously. It must make sure that the requirements of various users are balanced, and that each of the programs they are using has sufficient and separate resources so that a problem with one user doesn’t affect the entire community of users.

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